The current implementation of content server allows clients to get entitites by entityId or by pointer. When doing that they have to send the filters as query parameters, this results in having a max amount of pointer/entityIds that can be sent in one request limited to the URL length and not by the server itself.
This change is necessary for the ADR 58.
In this proposal, the idea is to have a new endpoint to retrieve entities that implements the POST method, so all the filters can be sent in the body so the max amount of filters will be increased to 200, as that will be the limit from the server side.
The current endpoint /content/entities/{entityType}
endpoint is very complex to
use and has some UX problems. That endpoint can filter by entityId and by pointer, anyway when
using the entityId filter, the entityType is ignored. This endpoint provides the functionality
to specify which fields of the entities must be retrieved.
endpoint, it'll still be accessible
for a period of time, but not documented.
to get all active entities
filtering by entityId
or by pointer
. As the user may be requesting
many ids, then this endpoint will expose a POST method so all the needed ids/pointers will
be included in the body of the request and there will be no limit for query parameters.
operationId: getListOfEntities
summary: List of entities of the specified Type
- Content Server
description: >-
Returns the list of entities of the specified type with the specified id or
pointers. Only one of these filters must be specified in the body.
type: object
description: >-
Entities must be filtered by pointer XOR entityId (ids). Use this parameter if
you want to retrieve an entity of the specified type with this pointer.
type: array
type: string
example: urn:decentraland:mumbai:collections-v2:0xf6426e0c70c17509038aba78137e721d187499d6:0
description: >-
Entities must be filtered by pointer (pointers) XOR entityId. Use this parameter if
you want to retrieve an entity of the specified type with this entityId.
type: array
type: string
example: QmeA8RpAtqU6gCebNaWRXtM9nQs3ugzzbeQm3L7uKrP4Jp
description: >-
List of entities corresponding to the matching ids or pointers.
application/json; charset=utf-8:
type: object
$ref: ../../components/examples/content/200-entities-active.json
description: >-
Bad request: ids or pointers must be present in the request, but not
"version": "v3",
"id": "QmQ9UorFsVTpaVpCwJZAzFyCmaGf7Ksi6aQHYTJVKyzVMh",
"type": "scene",
"timestamp": 1581034082829,
"pointers": ["100,0"],
"content": [
"file": "Fork_0.glb",
"hash": "QmdnkhnMwaFWs5ysAQ4Y8r9CSYMoMvpiAcaLr1PJoQFbZU"
"file": "game.js",
"hash": "QmXdgLxwgBRr3igNoJAu7Qi6KtMR6WR5kUSRtZVERnQH9A"
"file": "OpenRoad_0.glb",
"hash": "QmRF2LA6AdTP8ZTsKpf6WGW8iZesfmKqMzYrg7Yx1nbLU9"
"file": "scene.json",
"hash": "QmPgaz3kzicJKAtagqGHN5LYFvECimz4te5CVU9y4EbPgo"
"metadata": {
"display": {
"title": "Road at 100,0 (open road OpenRoad_0)",
"favicon": "favicon_asset"
"contact": {
"name": "",
"email": ""
"owner": "",
"scene": {
"parcels": ["100,0"],
"base": "100,0"
"communications": {
"type": "webrtc",
"signalling": ""
"policy": {
"contentRating": "E",
"fly": true,
"voiceEnabled": true,
"blacklist": [],
"teleportPosition": ""
"main": "game.js",
"tags": []
More reading: