ADR-69: Importing wearables

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Context and Problem Statement

In order to import an item into the Decentraland platform, more specifically, into the Builder, the user needs to upload a ZIP file containing its configuration in a file called asset.json. This JSON file has information with mixed responsibility. The ADR-68 sets up a new format to describe the properties that describe a wearable but, to be able to import it into the Builder, it needs specific information about the item in the platform. Besides the problem of the information having mixed responsibilities, the current asset.json format doesn't fullfil the requirements that the platform currently has, specially because there's no way to set a collection or a URN for the wearable on its own.

The ADR-68 also provides a strict schema, based on the wearables entities metadata, but the Builder platform doesn't require all of that information to import an item as it can auto-generate it to make the user experience better.

Proposed solution

To import items into the platform, a ZIP file with the following files will be required:

Builder configuration file

To be able to provide a configuration file for our platform that doesn't mix the information between the wearable itself and what the platform needs, a new file, called builder.json can be included alongside the other files.

In this first version of the file, the following information can be included:

type BuilderWearableConfig = {
  /** UUID of the item in the builder server */
  id?: string
  /** UUID of the collection of the wearable in the builder server */
  collectionId?: string

Where the id will be used to identify which item to update or which UUID to use when creating a new item, the collectionId will be used to identify the collection where the item will be created.

The following is an example of the builder.json file:

  "id": "f12313b4-a76b-4c9e-a2a3-ab460f59bd67",
  "collectionId": "272233f5-e539-4202-b95c-aa68b0c8f190"

This file describes that the data about to import of a wearable will be of an item with id f12313b4-a76b-4c9e-a2a3-ab460f59bd67 and will belong to a collection with id 272233f5-e539-4202-b95c-aa68b0c8f190.

Wearable configuration file

The ADR-68 describes how wearables can be configured, but, to simplify the user's experience, the following properties are slightly modified:

The simplified wearable configuration file looks like this:

type WearableConfiguration = {
  /** The URN of the wearable */
  id?: string
  /** Name of the wearable */
  name: string
  /** Description of the wearable */
  description?: string
  data: {
    /** Wearables to replace when equipping the wearable */
    replaces: WearableCategory[]
    /** Wearables to hide when equipping the wearable */
    hides: WearableCategory[]
    /** Tags to identify the wearable */
    tags: string[]
    /** Representations of the wearable */
    representations: WearableRepresentation[]
    /** Category of the wearable */
    category: WearableCategory
  /** Rarity of the wearable () */
  rarity?: Rarity

type WearableRepresentation = {
  /** Body shape of the representation */
  bodyShapes: BodyShape[]
  /** File path to the main file of the representation (GLB, GLTF, etc) */
  mainFile: string
  /** A list of the file paths of the files that belong to the representation */
  contents: string[]
  /** Wearables to hide when equipping this representation */
  overrideHides: WearableCategory[]
  /** Wearables to replace when equipping this representation */
  overrideReplaces: WearableCategory[]

enum Rarity {
  UNIQUE = "unique",
  MYTHIC = "mythic",
  LEGENDARY = "legendary",
  EPIC = "epic",
  RARE = "rare",
  UNCOMMON = "uncommon",
  COMMON = "common"

enum WearableCategory {
  EYEBROWS = "eyebrows",
  EYES = "eyes",
  FACIAL_HAIR = "facial_hair",
  HAIR = "hair",
  HEAD = "head",
  BODY_SHAPE = "body_shape",
  MOUTH = "mouth",
  UPPER_BODY = "upper_body",
  LOWER_BODY = "lower_body",
  FEET = "feet",
  EARRING = "earring",
  EYEWEAR = "eyewear",
  HAT = "hat",
  HELMET = "helmet",
  MASK = "mask",
  TIARA = "tiara",
  TOP_HEAD = "top_head",
  SKIN = "skin"

enum WearableBodyShape {
  MALE = "urn:decentraland:off-chain:base-avatars:BaseMale",
  FEMALE = "urn:decentraland:off-chain:base-avatars:BaseFemale"

Where, although defined here, category, rarity, wearable representation and the body shapes are types borrowed from the current schemas defined in the common-schema repository.

The following is an example on how the wearable.json file for a standard wearable looks like:

  "name": "Special hat",
  "category": "hat",
  "rarity": "common",
  "description": "A description of the wearable",
  "hides": ["hair"],
  "replaces": [],
  "tags": ["special", "new", "hat"],
  "representations": [
      "bodyShapes": ["urn:decentraland:off-chain:base-avatars:BaseMale"],
      "mainFile": "aMaleModelFile.glb",
      "contents": ["aMaleModelFile.glb", "aTextureFile.png", "thumbnail.png"],
      "overrideHides": [],
      "overrideReplaces": []
      "bodyShapes": ["urn:decentraland:off-chain:base-avatars:BaseFemale"],
      "mainFile": "aFemaleModelFile.glb",
      "contents": ["aFemaleModelFile.glb", "anotherTextureFile.png", "thumbnail.png"],
      "overrideHides": [],
      "overrideReplaces": []

And this is an example on how a wearable.json file looks like for a third party or linked wearable:

  "id": "urn:decentraland:mumbai:collections-thirdparty:third-party-id:collection-id:0",
  "name": "Special hat",
  "category": "hat",
  "description": "A description of the wearable",
  "hides": ["hair"],
  "replaces": [],
  "tags": ["special", "new", "hat"],
  "representations": [
      "bodyShapes": ["urn:decentraland:off-chain:base-avatars:BaseMale"],
      "mainFile": "aMaleModelFile.glb",
      "contents": ["aMaleModelFile.glb", "aTextureFile.png", "thumbnail.png"],
      "overrideHides": [],
      "overrideReplaces": []
      "bodyShapes": ["urn:decentraland:off-chain:base-avatars:BaseFemale"],
      "mainFile": "aFemaleModelFile.glb",
      "contents": ["aFemaleModelFile.glb", "anotherTextureFile.png", "thumbnail.png"],
      "overrideHides": [],
      "overrideReplaces": []

The model files

These files are what are used by the platform to render the wearable in word and in any of our services (builder, marketplace, etc).

Each representation, as defined in the Builder configuration file section, defines which are the files that will be used for each of the body shapes. The included files must match with the ones that are described in the contents property of the WearableRepresentation object. These files are GLBs, GLFTs, png, jpg or other supported file that can be loaded by the platform and, alongside them, a custom thumbnail image can be provided. This thumbnail image is optional and will be used to represent the wearable in the different services the platform has. Thumbnails must be PNGs with a 512 by 512px size and must have a transparent background.


Importing wearables in the Builder platform can be done by uploading a ZIP file with the following files:


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